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The Mikaaming Mino Pimatiziwin Healing Lodge is a family addictions treatment facility located in Sagkeeng, Manitoba. We offer a seven-week traditional and holistic treatment program in a residential setting for First Nation & Inuit families struggling to overcome drug and alcohol addictions.
We have self-contained suites for up to four families, a day care, classroom, family room, and sweat lodge. A certified teacher staffs our Healing Lodge for school aged children and adolescents. Prior to arriving, parents are required to make arrangements with their children's home school to bring enough work for the duration of treatment. A certified teacher will provide educational support during this time.
An Early Childhood Educator is also on staff for pre-school children.
As with other Native addictions treatment facilities, the core of our program is based on the culture and traditions of Indigenous People. Our culture and traditions are integral elements of treatment and are supplemented with basic life skills training and relapse prevention mechanisms. Our program also has a strong family component with family based activities inclusive of the children.
The Healing Lodge is a nationally accredited facility that honours the strengths and gifts of the First Nations and Inuit families we serve by providing a culturally focused program in a safe environment supporting healing for people who use substances.
The Healing Lodge strives for excellence in the support of hope and healing.
Chairperson: Marcella Fontaine - Representing Sagkeeng First Nation
Vice-Chair: Justin L. Courchene - Representing Sagkeeng First Nation
Secretary-Treasurer: Valerie Charlette - Representing from a field of treatment services
Board Member: Vacant - Representing Northern Manitoba
Board Member: Pam Big George - Representing Treaty 3
October 2019 to March 31, 2020